
Research Article

Dietary and Lifestyles assessment among Obese Women in Gaza City, Palestine

Marwan O Jalambo*, Basil Kanoa, Mohammed S Ellulu, Smaher Younis and Mueen El-Kariri

Published: 04 December, 2018 | Volume 2 - Issue 1 | Pages: 017-025

Background: The fundamental cause of obesity and overweight is an energy imbalance between calories consumed and calories expended.

Aim: To clarify and figure out food habits and different lifestyle pattern among a sample of Palestinian women attending the nutrition center in the Gaza Strip.

Methods: A cross-sectional study involved 116 women were randomly chosen by purposive census sampling. They aged 25 to 60 years with a diagnosis of obesity. The data collected by interview questionnaire that included social factors, lifestyle habits, and health/disease history.

Results: Age group variable has distributed significantly (p=0.024), (31.0%) of morbid obese were ≥35 years group compared to (13.5%) of morbid obese amongst the younger group. The higher intakes of legumes (OR: 2.134, P=0.003), nuts (OR: 3.917, P=0.019), eggs (OR: 6.840, P=0.009), fast foods (OR: 4.461, P=0.005), and soda drinks (OR: 2.230, P=0.004) were the risk factors linked to the increased risk of morbid obesity. Moreover, the higher intakes of legumes (OR: 8.439, P=0.011), eggs (OR: 6.900, P=0.041), chips (OR: 5.049, P=0.012), sugar (OR: 2.068, P=0.011), and fast foods (OR: 3.029, P=0.025) are risk factors of chronic diseases.

Conclusion: The study identified several lifestyle factors and improper dietary habits associated with obesity among women in Gaza city. There is a great need to change these habits to avoid the increased risk of obesity. Gene-environment interaction can explain the high incidence of obesity. A national plan of action to overcome obesity is urgently needed to reduce its economic and health burden

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