
Research Article

Infection by SARS-CoV-2 in healthcare workers of a second level hospital

Guillermo Padrón-Arredondo*

Published: 06 May, 2022 | Volume 6 - Issue 1 | Pages: 012-016

Background: From the first COVID-19 case in Playa del Carmen, 370 cases of infection have been reported in our staff until December 31, 2020. 
Material and methods: Study in workers of the General Hospital who developed SAR-CoV-2 infection during the pandemic. A sample of 30 cases of both sexes with laboratory-confirmed infection was obtained. Descriptive statistics were used with measures of central tendency, dispersion and percentages. 
Results: In a sample of 30 workers there were 13 doctors, 6 nurses and 11 support workers. The age was obtained as a mean of 38.8 years and SD = 10.4. Only four risk factors were found. Of the 30 infected health workers, 27 were treated on an outpatient basis and three required hospitalization. 
Discussion: The main symptoms in health workers are alterations in the sensation of taste and smell, but unlike our study, was headache, fever and myalgia. Likewise, it has been observed that medical are the most affected, but in this study it was support and the least affected was nursing personnel. There is no doubt that asymptomatic carriers are a serious disease transmission problem such that transmission between health workers by asymptomatic carriers is possible as was observed in this analysis.

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COVID-19; SARS-CoV-2; Healthcare workers; Nosocomial transmission; Asymptomatic carriers; Diagnostic testing


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